Thursday, July 26, 2012

You Know It's Fake Right??

This past Monday the WWE celebrated their 1000th episode of Raw. As someone who watched many of those shows through my years as a fan, I was excited for the show. They were planning of bringing back a lot of the wrestlers that had me watching every Monday night when I was younger. So, I had to tune in. Usually when I'm excited about something that's coming on, I post something about it on Facebook. Yet with this, I found myself hesitating for the first time. Somewhere in my mind I thought, they might clown me for being hyped to watch Raw. After about two seconds of that I posted this status: Jimmy Wilson Jr. will be watching the 1000th Raw tonight. Judge me if you want, but if you're geeked to watch Love and Hip-Hop Atlanta you're no better than me. I'm Jimmy L. Wilson, Jr. and I'll expound on this message later... Let me expound on that now.

For as long as I can remember I've had this conversation when it comes to wrestling: 
Person: "You know wrestling is fake right?" 
Me: "Yep". 
Person: "Then why do you watch it?" 
Me: "Because it is entertaining, and I like to watch it". 
I think I would be well within my rights to ask that same question to someone who watches what is called Reality TV nowadays. There is absolutely no difference between that and what I watch on the WWE. They are both scripted by writers who pit "good vs. bad" and have them meet in places to settle their differences. They both have actors and actresses who are over the top in their behavior. They both have backstabbing and double-crosses. They are the same exact thing. I'm sure some of y'all aren't feeling me, so let me give an example. 

One day I was sitting with my lady, and we found ourselves watching Love And Hip-Hop Atlanta(an exercise that stopped that day). Joseline had an issue with one of the other women on the show and wanted to confront her. So, Joseline showed up to the workout facility that the woman was at and confronted her. My question is, how in the world did she know that her enemy would be at the workout facility at that time? They hardly knew each other, so I'm certain that she doesn't know her schedule to know she was there. Yet, she was able to show up there, find her nemesis, and have a screaming match. Tell me that's not something that was set up by writers and producers. Tell me that's not like something that would happen in wrestling.

That same practice happens on pretty much every Reality TV show that is on. Whether they are sending sworn enemies on vacation together, having them meet at parties, or going shopping, the writers are pulling the strings, and have their desired end in mind. That is to have those enemies have some sort of altercation be it physical or verbal. Sounds a lot like wrestling to me.

So, to all my Reality TV watchers out there, I have to ask you the same question you ask me, you know Reality TV is fake right? For those who don't, I hope that I've shed some light, and helped you understand that it is. Next time you turn your nose, or laugh at someone who watches wrestling, remember that episode of "The Real Housewives of NJ/ATL", "Mob Wives", "Jersey Shore", or any other Reality TV show that you just watched. The creator of those shows are Vince McMahon, the cast are the wrestlers, and you are me, watching because it is entertaining and you like to watch it. Fake or not.

I'm Jimmy L. Wilson, Jr. and I approve this message. 

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